While at NHS & UKHSA, I designed multiple award-winning healthcare products, recognised as 'The Gold Standard for User-Centred design'.

National Problem
The NHS need a way to educate and guide the public through the Pandemic
My Solution
Design a human-centred product for all levels of legibility
I played a critical role in the NHS COVID-19 focusing on user accessibility and human-centred design, attaining the first wave of NHS research analysing legacy design KPIs. 
Using feedback and data, I concluded that the information architecture was confusing users, vital facts were hidden, guidance was unclear, and users couldn't understand vital guidance.
Building Brand Based User Trust
Design with empathy and compassion, for 65m people 
Ensured Ethical Compliance: I designed solutions deployed in both print and digital formats, introducing new features for clear, instant information and guidance. Through user testing, these innovations quickly garnered positive feedback and achieved success. 
My work focused on creating clear access points, positive steps, and guides, ensuring a user-friendly experience that's practical and meaningful to the public.
The result
Successful uptake and knowledge retention from the UK public. 
Helped the UK populous during the Pandemic, changing behaviour and safety. Recognised by NHS, and DHSC as 'Gold Standard for user-centred design'. Reproduced around the world, 2.2bn times. Used by 55+ million users.
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