Addressing significant Healthcare challenges facing adults seeking care, and creating a ‘Single Source of Truth' for the end user.

The Challenge 
Organising Care in a fragmented and highly complex system  
My Solution 
Create a user-centred 'Single Source of Truth’ platform for users
Leveraging Healthcare Industry Knowledge: I developed a new 'all-in-one' approach to foster emotional connections and enhance the user experience. By conducting extensive research, and analysing the challenges faced by adults and families seeking care. 
Integrated NHS Processes: Focussing on service design and solutions that improved user workflow and interaction, and embracing the GDS methodology, I began with paper prototype sketching to create solutions, and creating a user journey Slide Deck presentation.
Building a figurehead
Building user trust, with a humanised avatar
My goal was to create more than just another 'sales' bot. After researching virtual assistants in medical and government sectors, I developed a friendly, human-like AI avatar and integrated it into the product design. Working closely with the CEO and our AI scientist, I summarized the development and sketches for a Slide Deck.
Design test boards
Early development screen designs
The Bot 'assists', and answers real-time questions, interacting with users, as a personal helper. I developed the Bot to feel warm, empathic and trustworthy, and introduce itself from the start.
Building a Brand & emotion
Developing a strong Brand and icon to connect with users
Taking a pragmatic approach to agile start-ups, I designed alternate logos as the project name evolved. I selected brand colours to reflect core user personas: health, trust, care, and passion. I developed various concepts, including the unification of two key groups of users, creating unified care, the pulse of social neighbourhood care, and the idea of ‘Home is where the heart is.’ 
This led to the creation of an icon representing the unification of social care and the users needing care.

Organizing Information Architecture (IA)
Developing a 'user-centric' journey board 
Championing accessibility and researching user-friendly public-facing products in commerce, both physical and digital, I introduced friendly and engaging pop-up guide Cards and CTA (Call to Action) points. These prompts and clear advice areas were integrated with the AI guide to enhance user interaction. 
My focus was always on considering the user and their environment, ensuring they received the support needed to achieve their goals. I created various stages of service and product design journeys, for the team and presentations.

Revised design Sample pages
Research-driven UX design iterations
User feedback reacted well to having my AI Bot Host, and to clear icons and layout. Sections and clear naming design systems worked well with users and carers, giving a positive uptake on their interaction and use.
Strong simple branding
Brand colours selected, and refined identity
Linked to colour psychology and association, the palette was kept to a simple yet effective core group. 
Fonts were carefully selected and tested for accessibility, legibility, and future-proofing.

Keeping it simple 
The Dashboard, a single focal point for users
To keep users and their families engaged and informed, I designed a dynamic Dashboard area that serves as the central hub for accessing notifications, messages, and updates. This dashboard features consistent and recognisable icons to enhance intuitive interactions. Each key user function is easily accessible from this screen, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.
Healthcare app design, UI/UX designer, Senior UX Product, Visual User Experience Designer,  Visual graphic designer, User-centred design, Clickable Figma prototypes for build and Information architects.

Desktop designs  
Building Service and Increased Patient Trust  
Designed with clear, user-friendly interactions for marketing and presentations, the AI host proved highly popular during testing. It effectively guided users through various topics such as finances, training options, work-life balance, and benefits, while answering questions promptly.
User research revealed that participants wanted to personalize the AI bot, enhancing their emotional engagement. They appreciated the ability to customise the Bot, making it a unique piece of technology they could proudly share with friends and family.
Promoting & Marketing
Introducing users to the tech, and benefits of signing up
The landing page introduces users to the overall concept and presents distinct routes based on their needs:
For Care Requesters: It provides information and assistance, guides through the process of seeking care, assists with assessments, and offers insights into health, fintech/finance, and benefits entitlement. 
For Care Workers: It caters to those interested in joining a new company with better benefits, aiming to contribute to building a new social care system. It also provides information on finances and work-life balance advantages.

Result & Benefits
Aim to improve life for the end user, families and carers
I innovated and achieved an industry-disrupting solution focused on improving navigation and accessibility. By optimizing user routes and creating a user-centered all-in-one service point, I designed a platform for families and individuals to find the care they need and deserve.

Boosted Patient Loyalty:
Why users loved the AI Bot assistant
Users found the site engaging and emotionally connected with it instantly, navigating effortlessly using the Pop Up Help cards, which significantly enhanced their overall experience and satisfaction. 
Several users expressed that they wished they had this app years ago when sourcing home care.
I developed an empathic AI Carebot that can be customised to user's preferences, enhancing the connection and making them feel at ease when seeking help, any time of day or night.

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